Of music
The music, so subtle and harsh, so ephemeral and extensive, so background and impactful, so unconscious and direct. The reachable and tamed cosmos. The perfectible creation of man. The destiny of a center that defines rules to the disorder of endless combinations in the hands of an interpreter. Lives written and observed in their entirety: from birth to the last resonant echo of one or multiple voices, in synchrony, constantly harmonized, sharing their intensity and influencing those of sympathy; resolving each time based on arithmetic or geometric axioms.
In the past, only as an intimate companion of the individual or society. Today, an interpreter or spectator is not necessary for its existence. Perhaps it never has been necessary since it could persist through time without life. On a cosmic scale, music is among the stars, it’s among them! Plato said it, describing how the Demiurge forged the soul of the world by dividing it into harmonic intervals. The same must apply in the macrocosm. The harmony we know musically resolves into cosmic harmony but also, curiously, resolves into social harmony.
Perfect formula and earthly beauty that you are, reachable by the human ear unlike the harmony between astral bodies beyond our perceptual range with measures comparable to our conception of infinity. Perhaps there are beings who delight in the harmony formed among stars, who can interpret it and write new destinies.
Music, you are pure frequency, you are overlapping waves; you are sound, as we hear you but do not see you. However, like light, you are a number, you are quantifiable energy, you are a constant and fixed oscillatory movement between being and not being, between contact and repulsion. Music, you are symmetry! You are schemes, you are patterns that elegantly come together even in the atonic postmodernity. You are scientific inspiration; a mathematical foundation.