I expected confrontation and I feel welcome….
There is no doubt that sometimes everything is in our heads. Why confront someone who does not want to know more of ourselves?
Enough giving inner power to imaginary enemies and more than power… enough wasting precious time on that mental snowball.
Why do I feel welcome? Have I been with the right people? Unconsciously, for safety, have I sought the one who is not going to confront me? No, There is confrontation, and more than confrontation … there is dialogue. That’s why I have been welcomed, because I have sought those who really want to talk and not those who are only looking for someone to get drunk in the mitote to stop feeling the loneliness.
I have gone with those who really appreciate my companionship, even in my healthy stubbornness and in my audacity to want to be more every day, and not with those who conform and in their conformity deny those who decide to improve themselves … and more than to improve themselves … they deny those who have already fought complexes.
The complex of smiling before a camera, the complex of expressing himself without fear of criticism, because the critic is afraid of expressing himself because he thinks that others are of his condition and that in the slightest opinion he will be criticized as he does: criticizing without arguments, only criticizing based on fallacies … because a criticism is not merely a dialogue, a criticism is an internal reaffirmation of what is believed… as Conficius sensei teaches us… the wise see the new in the old … and more than wise … the one who continues to learn sees the new in the old … he sees the opportunity to renew himself in his old complexes … and the critic sees the old in the new. From his comfortable perspective he says:
That has already been seen! That is not new! What an idiot who tries without success and being horrible! Only beautiful artists succeed! That is why I better not try, because I do not want to show the old in the new, I do not want to overcome my complexes to give way to creation.
If I knew that it is only a phase and once these complexes are overcome, when finding the new in the old, beautiful, aesthetic and wonderful things happen. In addition, people with ideals of admiration approach, and in their approach, a pleasant reception is perceived. Enough confrontation and Welcome to anyone who has something to say!